Statistical data (downloadable Excel spreadsheets)

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The publication contains spreadsheets in MS Excel format, in which data from various fields are presented. The names of the sheets correspond to the territorial ranges and the type of data, e.g.:

  • Absolute number means: Mazowieckie Voivodship, absolute numbers,
  • Indicators means: Mazowieckie Voivodship, indicators,
  • WOF absolute numbers means: Warsaw Functional Area, absolute numbers.
  • WOF Indicators means: Warsaw Functional Area, indicators.

The exception is the sheet "Supplementary data for powiats", which contains both data in absolute numbers and indicators.
The full name of the division and type of data is in the first line of the spreadsheet.

The data is presented in accordance with the Internal Order No. 22 of the President of the Statistics Poland of 24 August 2017 on the introduction of the Territorial and Statistical Units Coding System (KTS). The KTS system is a uniform list of codes and names of units of the basic three-level territorial division of the state and territorial units for statistical purposes (NUTS classification) adopted for the purposes of databases and IT systems of official statistics. Territorial levels of the KTS system include: KTS level 0 – Poland; KTS 1 level – macroregions (i.e. NUTS 1 units); KTS 2 level – voivodships; KTS 3 level – regions (i.e. NUTS 2 units); KTS 4 level – subregions (i.e. NUTS 3 units); KTS level 5 – powiats; KTS level 6 – gminas.

Five levels of data aggregation were used in the sheets. The following symbols are used to display or hide data presentation detail levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, +, –. To display the rows of a given level, just click on its corresponding number:

level 1 – enables the presentation of data for Poland, macroregion Mazowieckie Voivodship and Mazowieckie Voivodship,
level 2 – enables the presentation of data from level 1 and for the regional level,
level 3 – enables the presentation of data from level 1 and 2 and for subregional level,
level 4 – enables the presentation of data from levels 1, 2 and 3 and for the powiat level,
level 5 – enables the presentation of data from levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 and for the gmina level.

Clicking on the + or – symbol gives you the option to show or hide the rows within each level, respectively.

Quick selection of a specific territorial unit is possible thanks to the Search Engine; the selection of the unit should be accepted with the "Search" button. If the entered string corresponds to several units (number of results > 1), then the "Next result" button is activated.

The data is presented in each administrative division of the country. Underlining and highlighting the records in blue font:

  • in the header of the table – means that additional explanations have been included,
  • in the first column of the table – means that the elements of the territorial taxonomy of the unit have been modified.


(–) magnitude zero.
(0) magnitude not zero, but less than 0.5 of a unit;
(0,0) magnitude not zero, but less than 0.05 of a unit.
( . ) data not available, classified data (statistical confidentiality) or providing data impossible or purposeless.
"Of which" indicates that not all elements of the sum are given.


PLN = Polish złoty ha = hectare
pcs. = pieces
km2 = square kilometer
vol. = volume
m3 = cubic metre
kg = kilogram
dam3 = cubic decametre
t = tonne
kWh = kilowatt hour
km = kilometre
m2 = square metre

In this publication, as a tool for presenting statistical data, an MS Excel spreadsheet was used, which contains information in the form of absolute and relative (indicators) numbers.

Statistics most often and most commonly uses numbers to describe the studied populations or phenomena. The description may be aimed at presenting the number (size), structure or indices of the population or phenomena.

The collective numerical characteristics of the statistical population include indicators.

The indicator is a quotient of two quantities corresponding to the components of a given population or representing the characteristics of two different populations, or relating to the same population, but in different periods or moments.

There are three main types of indicators:

  • indicators of structure,
  • indicators of intensity,
  • indicators of dynamics.

Indicators of structure, also known as structural numbers, determine the ratio of a certain size concerning a part of the statistical population to that size concerning the entire population.

An indicator or measure of intensity determines the ratio of quantities characterising two different populations or statistical phenomena related to each other in some causal or logical way.

Indicators of dynamics express the ratio between the numbers characterising a certain quantity in two different periods or moments of time. They are used to study dynamic series, i.e. changes that occur in statistical populations over a period of time.

There are two basic measures of the dynamics of a statistical population: absolute increase and relative increase.

The absolute increase is the difference between the values of the variable in consecutive periods (e.g. in consecutive years, months or days).

The relative increase is the ratio of the absolute increase to the value of the variable from the previous period. If this relative increase is multiplied by 100, we will get a percentage increase.

Przyrost absolutny i przyrost względny mogą przybierać wartości dodatnie, ujemne, względnie mogą być równe zero.

Indexes are the most commonly used measure of dynamics. The index is the ratio of the variable value from different periods to the value of the same variable from the determined comparative period.

Relative numbers were usually calculated based on absolute data expressed with greater accuracy than those given in the spreadsheets.

When calculating data per capita (1000 population, etc.) as of the end of the year (e.g. employment, public library collection), the population was assumed as of 31 December, and when calculating data characterising the size of the phenomenon during the year (e.g. vital statistics, dwellings completed) – as of 30 June.

Automatic rounding of numbers in some cases could cause minor differences in sums of data at higher level of aggregation.

Methods for calculating the indicators included in the publication.